Monday, August 15, 2011

Rain rain rain...

It started to rain outside today. And we all know what happens when it rains... I sleep.

A lot.

Anyways, for a lack of a good reason to update my blog, I bring you a picture of a new character of mine, Nahil.

Who's name really doesn't mean anything if you look it up.

Its just Nahil. And sounds like "Nah-Hill".

You tell me if he is a bird or an angel... in my friend's and my RP, angel's usually have white hair. But there have been other cases where an angel will have black hair, or some other color... but the most common is white.
I'm trying to decide if he's a bird (most likely a raven, judging by his wing color) or an angel, due to his snotty attitude and cocky behavior.

Isn't he lovely?

Let it be known that I will NEVER attempt to draw wings again. They're a pain to draw.

... well, this is the reason why I wanted to update.

The End.

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