Wednesday, August 31, 2011


Needless to say I had a shitty audition.

Like, I'm not even being like, sarcastic or putting myself down here, I literally had the worst audition ever. I just... I don't know.

I already know what to expect when I go into my first lesson now. To hear that I did completely shitty during my audition. I don't know /what/ went wrong. I even messed up during my solo, which I was completely comfortable with before hand. I wasn't exactly nervous going in.

I don't know.

I kind of want to go to sleep and try not to think about it.


Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Back and still trying not to be stressed

Being stressed before an audition is the worst thing possible, because then you get really nervous... and yadda yadda.

Anyways, I'm all moved in and stuff... unpacked... and... uh... yeah.

I have TWO classes tomorrow, which is a scary thought. I'm not supposed to have free time D:

... I'm tired. I'm just going to post this blog and be done with it XD

Monday, August 29, 2011

Kinda stressed and a little upset.

Every. Single. Freakin'. Road. was BLOCKED OFF.

I was supposed to have a chorus audition tomorrow (tuesday), and I have a seating audition on wednesday. But by the looks of it, I won't get to school until either late Tuesday or early wednesday.... I'm so stressed out. I seriously did not need this on top of nerves for auditions... I kind of want to curl up and cry at the moment.

On top of all that, seeing and hearing about all the damage that was done from the hurricane is just... its really sad and a little disturbing.
All that damage took out all the routes to school as well... and the damage? Houses on bridges. HOUSES. And missing bodies. And let's not forget about the flooding.

So we came back home. There wasn't anything else we could do other than just turn around and try again later.

... I don't know. I'm a little stressed out at the moment, like, to the point where I just don't want to play trombone or anything. I just want to lay down on my bed and just... lay there.

Sunday, August 28, 2011

Let's do this.

(*puts on sunglasses and folds arms*)

Sophomore year: challenge accepted.

Hurricane Irene: Survived. No damage dealt.

Anyways, I'm leaving for school tomorrow. Dunno what time yet, but... yup. I'm all packed and ready to go. Totally not prepared enough for my seating auditions though DX

I had this really weird Tales of the Abyss related dream during my nap today (I went to bed really late, woke up early... so I ended up passing out after I took a shower)... it initially started off as me running around campus, making a fool of myself, being disowned by my friends up at school, and then somehow, me chasing after Tear from the game... and I was turned into Luke. It was REALLY weird. I have no idea how it went from me chasing down a professor for band music to me chasing down Tear. But as I (Luke) hugged Tear, she turned into my cat, and when I abruptly woke up, I was smothering my cat.
I think my cat was more terrified than I was.

Nala's over it now, though. She's been running around, hanging out with me (she knows when I'm about to leave, its rather cute).

In the meantime, I've been working on a new picture (rather, two of them now) of all my male characters in Magyk (the one's I own, so there will be no Sisco, Haseo, Dunisun, Taiko/Lucas, etc etc). I couldn't fit all of them on one sheet (I'm using my small drawing pad XD), so I'm moving it to two pages. And I'm putting them in like... black outfits so that I don't have to do details on the clothes and stuff, since they're REALLY small... and because I thought it would look cool. BUT ANYWHO.

Characters involved on the first one: Nahil, Wave, Eizen, Hikariko, Itzal, Forseth, Lance, Surry and Morph (aka, Rune)
Second one: Keits, Brek, Alastron, Yuuki, Kree, Eko, Huntz, Akio and Ashtaroth.

They're all pretty good-looking, in my opinion. Especially Lance, Wave and Yuuki XD (Wave and Lance are brothers, Yuuki is their cousin). I have a bust shot of Wave coming up; I just need to outline and color it. I might do one of Lance and Yuuki if I feel up to it.

My guys are fun to draw ||D

-- !!! OH MY GOD. My bed is creaking D: This is a sad day... and its going to drive me INSANE.

I got an email from my roommate earlier today saying that our new dorm room was big, which makes me happy (and kind of in the mood of "I told you so"). The new building that we're living in was one of my top choices to live in last year, and she didn't believe me XD I told her the rooms were bigger and stuff, but she wanted other rooms. Then again, I'm never good at voicing my opinions. Oh well. But I might take photos...

BTW. If you have my skype, feel free to chat with me :D I don't bite. And if you want to do a video chat or a voice chat, lemme know before hand, because sometimes I have skype open while I'm in class, and that wouldn't be good if someone's voice or the call tone suddenly went off in class. I can see that ending very well...
But yeah, I'm not mean.
Unless you catch me on a bad day or in the middle of a mood swing. I'll let you know before hand XD

I'm off to like, get some sleep before I leave tomorrow, because I have NO FREAKIN IDEA when my parents are going to wake me up to leave.


Ttyl, folks! I'll type an entry when I'm all unpacked and stuff.
And I'll have pictures of my dorm.

Friday, August 26, 2011

No new updates

My comics are being put on a 1 week hiatus as I get ready for college (this includes packing AND practicing), so there will be no time for art.

Well, at least posting art XD I will be drawing.

Why am I packing so early?

Because I procrastinate, and its easier to get things done rather than just wait. And I decided to pack away my scanner and drawing stuff (except for my pencil and eraser and a sketch pad) so I'm not tempted.

And there's a freakin hurricane coming our way. I'm not scared, in fact... its really quite stupid. Regardless, I'm packing now so I don't have to worry about it during the storm and I can focus on practicing my ass off before next wednesday (I have auditions for seating ||D Yaaaay).

Anyways. I need to finish with stuff... so... OFF TO PACKING.

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Hold on to what you got and never let it go.

Because within an instant, it could disappear. Just like that.

So, with that outta the way, I woke up today to hear that there was an earthquake. I mean, here where I am, we got the least of the quake, but when I heard where it was hit, I couldn't help but feel very worried.
See, my dad is out on a business trip, and he was one of those that felt close to the worst of it. I have friends who go to school close to where the center of the earthquake hit. I'm glad that the people I know are alright and well.

I know I get worried about things that are out of my control. I was fine earlier, I don't know why I suddenly feel so sad and so paranoid. Even practicing my trombone didn't help (in fact, I started to play for like, an hour, and I got to frustrated to play).

I can't help but feel that these sudden increase in earthquakes mean something. No, I'm not talking about 2012, I promise. I just feel like this is a message, a wake-up call. I'm not a very political person, but maybe this is a sign that we need to focus on what's going inside our own country instead of out in the world; while we are out trying to solve everyone else's problems, we can't even solve our own.
Maybe its just a sign that as a whole, we're letting the very planet we live on fall apart. Not just for war, hatred, and other things... not just because we're letting the environment fall... just, that we're failing to be one body. I'm not making a plea to everyone asking, "Put your differences aside and hold hands! Let's sing together!" or to stop what we're doing and stuff. Peace is an unachievable goal. Not because of where we're going, just because we, as humans, are far too different in our beliefs and such. We can't say that we're going to do something and expect everyone to be in agreement with it.
I'm not a religious person, so I'm not going to sit here and type that this is a message from whatever higher being that you believe in is telling us that we done goofed.

At this point, I don't even know what I'm typing anymore. That usually happens when I start to freewrite, no worries.

But let me pass along a message to all my friends: hold on to what you got and never let it go. Life is short, and you never realize that something is gone until its gone. Respect what you have, know your limitations, and don't screw it over.


Now, for the upside of this post: getting ready for your sophomore year at college is a pain in the ass. I constantly forget what I'm studying, and then I'm reminded that I don't have time for certain things anymore XD

I have no art to show, really. ^^U I've been spending time working on my story Ti Amo again, and I think I've decided to write a second story to it, after the one of the current main character. I get the feeling that if I really like Angela's story, I'll write Cole's story, because he does, as a matter of fact, have an important role and back story. I think it would be cool to do so... with all things considered XD See, originally, Ti Amo was (and still is) in first person, because its being told from Angela's perspective. I wasn't going to have this huge backstory for Cole (ooh, I know! Spoilers!), until... well, until I got out of highschool. So, I changed the perspective to... third person. And then, I didn't like writing it in third person, so I changed it back to first... and I didn't want to constantly change perspectives throughout the story... so, that's why. XD

Anyways... I think I'm either off to write some more, restart my laptop (After I run a scan on it), and/or play Tales of the Abyss (I've been unlocking costumes 8D I'm so excited!!! And like... getting a lot of things I never knew existed when I first played it. Hence why I have like, 50 guides open XDD)

^ Can you tell I don't usually play with game guides? A lot of the achievements in the game are completely hidden DX And, when I started the second playthrough, I initially started off without one and did a lot more exploring... so now, as I realized, I'm 20 levels above where I need to be XD (i.e, the recommended level for where I'm at is like... 52, I'm 73).

I burned my tongue and mouth on ramen earlier today, so my mouth hurts a lot at the moment. Drinking milk didn't help the burning much. Maybe I'll just drink some water between the sips of ginger ale (yay for upset tummies!). Anywho... I'm off!

And if you've read this far, if there are any pictures that you've seen on dA or would like me to draw, lemme know! I'm running out of ideas, and I'm just procrastinating with the 1oo Themes at the moment.

Monday, August 22, 2011

Shameless self-promotion

My webcomics:

It's Always Darkest Before the Dawn ( ), is a BL manga based on two characters of an RP a friend and I do. I'm not the biggest fan of shounen-ai or anything of the sort, but their story is so... cute, that I had to illustrate it. My friend is the author of the story, we both share the characters, and I illustrate.

Someone to Watch Over Me ( ), is a pencomic that I had started to post on dA, but I took it off because I kinda left the site. But anyways, click it. CLICK IT. I promise you that it gets better (story and art XD), and do tell me what you think c:

Both comics allow guest comments, so feel free to comment if you'd like. And if you really want to, the Bionicle Manga is still up on my smackjeeves account, so you can read it to the point where it stopped. But be aware... I turned off guest-commenting because I had too many flammers coming in and telling me that it was shit. Sorry.

Anyways, so I was thinking... that I might open up a new blog for my story Ti Amo. I do have a fictionpress account, but I'm far from lazy to figure out how to work the site or to start logging in again. Maybe... tell me what you guys think and if you are interested in reading it.

I'm off to doodle for a little bit, if I don't pass out (since it is, well, 2 AM).

The previews for Dark Matters on the Science Channel are really quite interesting and creepy... I kinda want to go watch the show... (even though its not going to be on for a while).

Friday, August 19, 2011


The most creative title ever, I know. Its the title for my newest book (no, not really.)

So, if there's a god, he decided to smite me today. And for the next week. So I apologize if I am lethargic and slow and... very sarcastic for the next few posts. ||D Yaaaay...

It looks like Its Always Darkest Before the Dawn will be updated tomorrow (Saturday) instead of today due to me not feeling well and stuff like that. But the page is half way complete, so it won't take too long to finish. (Well, kind of. I had some paneling issues with this page, and other fun things that I'm trying to figure out...)

Someone to Watch Over Me will be updated tonight (if I get around to it), because all it takes is me plugging my laptop into my external hard drive.

In complete other news, I'm getting ready to go back to college, so that means... textbooks! Its a good thing I'm a music major, because a lot of my textbooks are either carried over into a different class or are reused for the next few semesters. I only have to buy... 3 books for one class (Yeah, I know. 3??), and rent one for another.
I'm kinda curious as to where I'm going to get the money for this though.

And I'm going to start working again once school starts (like, job wise), so my schedule's gonna be tight. Like, uber tight.

And I'm still trying to find a way to bring a cheap TV up to school, for like... movie nights and stuff like that.
No, I'm totally not planning to bring my PS2 up to play Tales of the Abyss on the weekends... or anything else. (well, technically, I like having a TV so I can have movie nights ^^U).

And it totally keeps dawning on me that I'm turning 20 in like, a month. Egads.

So, I'm totally going to go lay back down... after I retrieve dirty laundry from my room and after we go to Staples (maybe) to look at school supplies and a new printer/scanner (for those who don't know, my current printer/scanner was murdered by a paperclip.)

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Look, more art!

And guess what?

I got my new Tales of the Abyss disk today 8D Big surprise, and I owe my mom a lot DX My brothers had a doctor's appointment today, and we were going to go out to lunch somewhere with my dad and eldest brother, but both of them couldn't make it (because they both had a meeting at work), so... my youngest brother is like, "Hey Nik! The mall is like, right nearby... we should go over there so you can buy your game!" speaking of which, I need to pay my parents back for that... although, I'm just a few dollars short in cash ||D So, my mom brought us out to lunch close to the mall, and then she dropped us off, so I could run in to the GameStop to make sure they had the game.
Thank god they had it, because there was no way I was trying to convince my parents to drive 30 minutes away to a game store.

So I'm a happy clam.

And then, a good friend of mine and I were up til 5 AM the other day drawing a comic based on Asch and Luke XD (she drew Asch, and I drew Luke). It was fun XD
Here's the first part:
Its PURE CRACK. Oh my god XD

And, I have another picture for y'all!This here is Alastron. The sexy Demon Lord of the Magyk RP.
The picture didn't turn out exactly how I wanted it... but oh well. His right eye bugs me the most. Just because the pupil looks too big... and that was an inking error DX I tried to fix it. And I failed. Oh well.
His left eye... I'm not sure if you can see it, but I put so much freakin detail into that eye. Like, you would not believe.
And I like coloring hair. XD

I have waaay too many characters with black hair..... haaaaa.

Maybe I'll draw Lucas or Taiko next, just for the hell of it.

and its almost 5 AM again... (the time post thingy lies. And I'm too lazy to fix it.)
I need to sleep ||D

Monday, August 15, 2011

Oh me oh my.

deleted ;D

Rain rain rain...

It started to rain outside today. And we all know what happens when it rains... I sleep.

A lot.

Anyways, for a lack of a good reason to update my blog, I bring you a picture of a new character of mine, Nahil.

Who's name really doesn't mean anything if you look it up.

Its just Nahil. And sounds like "Nah-Hill".

You tell me if he is a bird or an angel... in my friend's and my RP, angel's usually have white hair. But there have been other cases where an angel will have black hair, or some other color... but the most common is white.
I'm trying to decide if he's a bird (most likely a raven, judging by his wing color) or an angel, due to his snotty attitude and cocky behavior.

Isn't he lovely?

Let it be known that I will NEVER attempt to draw wings again. They're a pain to draw.

... well, this is the reason why I wanted to update.

The End.

Saturday, August 13, 2011

I was at the shore today!

And I told one of my friends that I was going to finish the last panel for our manga on the way down, but turns out that I was the person with the map, so... that didn't happen.

So, I'm going to go finish it asap.

Ready for a depressing story?
Here we go~
So, we were driving home, and still on the highway (we were a good... 30 minutes away from our house), and all of the sudden, the opposite lane is like, completely empty. Then we saw a cop, with standing with a lady who had this blue SUV pulled over on the far left side of the road. I mean, at least I thought that the cop pulled her over for speeding... until we saw a second car. So, second thought: Oh, minor accident.; Nope, that wasn't true either. As we passed this sand-gold minivan, we noticed that there was a MAJOR dent in the side of it. My dad made the comment that the car must have flipped; there was no one inside, so I'm assuming that they were taken to the hospital or something already.
And then we saw it.
The real damage.
A few feet in front of that minivan, there was a car laying on its roof. I had my iPod in playing really creepy music, so I had to pause it... and I couldn't help myself from gasping. There was glass ALL OVER the road, bits and pieces of the tires... and cops all over the place. My mom had to catch her breath (she lost her boyfriend MANY years ago to a car accident), and my dad quietly said, "Yup... someone's dead..." and sure enough, he was right. My mom told all of us to look away, but you know, curiosity killed the cat, and I wanted to see how much I could take it.
The cops were standing over this like... mound. The mound was covered in a yellow jacket or blanket... so...

... (shudders)

I hate passing car accidents DX I should be like, numbed out to it by now because of those stupid Texting and Driving videos/commercials on YouTube (they're not really stupid, just really graphic).

Now we all know why I hate driving on highways, texting/handling a cellphone while driving, and speeding.
Now we all know why I am like, always following the speedlimit, or finding an alternative to driving, because there are freakin' idiots on the road DX

My message to my friends here watching and reading this post: PLEASE please be safe with what you do. Don't do anything stupid that can risk your life or others around you.

I'm kinda freaked out that it happened closer to home, so I'm really hoping that my friends here in CT say something on my status to let me know that they're alright....


Anyways, on a slightly more depressing note (yay XD), my Tales of the Abyss is dead. I don't know what happened to it, so I'm just going to buy a new one. I'm probably going to bring it into the game store to see what they have to say, and still order the one from the other store (which is 30 minutes away from my house, and involves going on the highway).
And my older brother wants to buy Grandia 3 (we borrowed it from a friend a few years back, and now we want to play it again xD), but that's a good... 27 miles away from home, so we're just seeing if it can be brought over to the store that's like... just a couple of minutes away from our house.



Going to have my comics updated by the end of tonight, so... if you're reading them, keep your eyes peeled!

Friday, August 12, 2011


My friend from dA, Nikira, recently got Tales of The Abyss and was talking about it the other day... and I own the game as well, so its a little hard to not spoil things for her XD

But so, I was playing it today because apparently, you can get different costumes in the game, which made me really happy XD I had only thought that they were in the japanese versions. Hmn.

So like, I'm playing along, and all of the sudden, my game starts glitching... like the sound files all of the sudden die. And now my game froze.
I somehow, vaguely, remember this happening in my first file. Maybe I'll try restarting (I'm waiting to see if it clears up or not.)

Anyways, on a different note, while I'm deciding whether or not to refresh my PS2, I saw The Help today.

It was released... this past Wednesday, in theaters, and it is based on a book. For those who have /no idea/ what its about, to sum it up, its about... well, the civil rights movements, and the story of black maids in the south (more specifically, Mississippi). The Help was a book written by a wanna-be journalist, who sees the hardships of these maids and wants to reveal to the nation what is going on. Of course, there was reluctance to write and share stories.
So, I went to go see the movie with my mom, who read the actual book prior to seeing the movie. I have yet to read the book, because I'm caught up in a different book at the moment.
The two things I got from the film:
1) If you haven't read the book, its a moving movie with multiple main characters, and focuses on the story before the book was written and then the aftermath... and the aftermath of that aftermath. Not having read the book, I thought that it was explained well and the issues were clearly shown.
2) If you read the book, a lot of the movie watered down a lot of the issues presented, left out some details, etc etc. When hasn't that happened before? While its still a moving movie to watch, it was lacking (so my mom says).

Because I don't do number ratings, I will say that this movie was enjoyable and inspirational to watch. There were characters that I really loved, and really, absolutely wanted to bitch slap.

Anywho, I'm going to go back to my game. Since it hasn't stopped being frozen, I'm just going to refresh my system... I'm really beginning to remember this happening last time I played this game, and a quick refresh fixed it.
Oh well.

So I think my game is just plain damaged... I might make an effort to buy a new one, and put aside cosplay costumes I was going to save up for... oh well.

Thursday, August 11, 2011

So I must spew bad luck or something.

There's a story behind that, I swear.

To be perfectly honest, I think I must be like, emitting bad luck auras all over the place, because death is like, surrounding the people I care about.
Some literal death, some close to... and quite frankly, it scares me. I mean, I must be imagining things, and I try not to think about it too-too much.

But like, a good friend of mine recently got a hold of me and I was visiting her, and something was missing: her dog (who is... between 3-7 years old). She explained that her dog had a high fever and was low on red blood cells, so they (as in her family) took her to the vet to get her checked out. At the time, they couldn't pinpoint what was wrong, so they removed the spleen.
Yesterday, when I came downstairs from my room to hang out with my mom, my mom looked at me and said, "I got a call from Mrs.**********..." Perplexed, I asked what she needed, and I was half expecting to say that she wanted to get together for dinner or something. Turns out her dog had some sort of cancer, and was fatal. So... they had to put her down.
And just a day or two prior was I over my friend's house visiting, wishing that the dog was healthy.

So, I'm upset about this for two reasons: my friend has lost many pets over the years, and its devastating to see this happen to her and her family. Especially since the dog was so young.
Second, back in January, I lost my dog as well to some sort of bone cancer in the head. She was not much older than my friend's dog either... and you know, she was over my house the entire time that this was happening, supporting me. So I feel like a shitty friend not being there to support her in a time of loss.

A couple of days ago, I received a message from a good friend of mine from dA, that stated he lost his cousin to a motorcycle accident.

The night prior to that, another close friend of mine nearly lost her boyfriend. (I explained both of these in a post or two prior to this post).

So maybe its just me... but I feel like everywhere I go, disaster strikes. So I must have some sort of bad disease or something, right? I'm totally not thinking about this too much, nope.

Besides me feeling like I'm some sort of bad luck charms, I want to give my deepest apologies to my friends, and that I hope things get better for them.

... uuugh.... something fell in my eye and is making it buuuurn.... GAAAH. ALLERGIEEESS. CURSE YOU DUST.

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

No one knows the trouble I've seen~

Guess who has massive mood swings? Me 8D

So, as some of you have probably noticed, my name keeps appearing on the online list on dA. Why is that? Because I go to take a peek at pictures my friends have posted and/or to get ideas for pictures I'm working on.

Yeah, I'm cool.

Its actually has been somewhat beneficial XD I've gotten to redraw some characters that I have forgotten about over time and stuff.

Maybe I'll scan the redoes of them and take a photograph of the original.

ACTUALLY. I'm going to show you the picture that has all the characters I was redrawing! MAC CAMERA POWER UP.
Okay, a) its been reversed because my mac camera is dyslexic, and takes pictures in reverse (its so weird), b) it looks distorted because its a gigantic piece of poster board and was too big for me to see what was on the screen XD, c) its REALLY old! I drew it like... more than 4 years ago? I mean, this was before I could draw hands...
You can kinda tell that this poster has been like, abused. Haha...
I remember that this picture took me forever to do ||D


In all seriousness, yes. I redrew and redesigned some of the characters, including the ninja in purple. He's much hotter now... haaaa ||D I need to stop drawing hot guys.

DYSLEXIC MAC CAMERA ACTIVATE. TIME TO TAKE A SHITTY PHOTOGRAPH OF A SHITTY DRAWING.See? My webcam really is dyslexic. But anyways, those are the redraws. And the top dude is the dude that's in purple on the big poster board.

And I paint my nails so I don't bite them, believe it or not. Its a REALLY bad nervous habit that I have, and I'm trying to break it.

.. you know what, since I have other pictures that I'm redrawing, I'm just going to make a video XD

... well, I was going to have a video here, but for some reason it got messed up. Oh well XD

So yeah.

Anyways, off to drawing stuff.

Sunday, August 7, 2011

I'm just depressed again.

I dunno why.

Maybe its because I almost lost a friend last night, or maybe its because a good friend of mine from dA just lost his cousin.

Or maybe its because I'm tired.

Or a sad realization that my parents don't really like many of my friends.

Or the fact that I had a dream that I got pissed off at my roommate and had no where to live at school.

I don't know. It kinda feels like the world is falling apart again... and I know I'm not PMSing, cuz that happened already. And I can't escape at the moment because I need to really focus on getting ready for my sophomore year of college... and continue working on my audition pieces.

I'm just tired.

I'm kinda hoping that I cheer up soon, because I hate feeling this way. I'm not exactly hoping for some dude to appear outside my bedroom window with a boombox playing love songs to me and pouring his heart out, because hell, I've had enough of people confessing to me at the moment. And I ate a whole Lindtt chocolate bar already, so chocolate isn't the answer either. And staying up late drawing ecchi pictures and reading romance novels isn't helping.
I'm not saying that my life sucks, because it doesn't.

I just need a little excitement. Something interesting to happen that doesn't involve spontaneous shopping sprees or guys confessing that they like me or chocolate. Or going to the movies and watching romantic comedies.

And I'm kinda underage, so I can't go out to a bar (besides, I don't drink anyways).

Maybe I'll try making a plushie. Seeing that I'm probably not going to get sleep tonight.

... and an apology for just being blah again.

Friday, August 5, 2011

Guess what???

For those who have no idea why I was being so cryptic a few posts ago (if you read the small print at the bottom of the message), I got invited to work as an intern for someone who works for LEGO.

Because I signed an NDA (Non-disclosure agreement), I can't tell you exactly what I was working on and what I did/saw and blah blah. But I can tell you that I helped out with some artwork cleaning and editing stuff and printing things.

Here in CT, there is an actual LEGO building like, 1 minute down the street from where I was working, but the workplace that I work in is like, either a small branch off of it, or a little art department that does art stuff for LEGO. It was cool :D

I got to go into the literal LEGO facility and I walked around the entire first floor. I kept on giggling when I saw anything Bionicle related, and like... it was funny to see a workplace like that. Legos... EVERYWHERE.
I made it my goal to like, try and at least meet Greg F someday... and I'm going to make it an effort to at least work at this little art place next summer, most likely as an intern again (aka, no pay, but perhaps school credit). It sucks that I didn't meet Chris (my friend who I was working for) until... what, two or three weeks ago? It REALLY makes me question why I didn't do something like graphic design for college... don't get me wrong, I love what I'm doing for school right now, and I still really want to be a music teacher... but I feel like I could have gone in either direction.

Oh well.

SO ANYWAYS, after we got out from working, Chris took me to this comic shop that was, again, right down the road from the workplace.

Guess what I found? The first Bionicle movie :D (I actually got a copy of the movie a couple of weeks after it was released on DVD, but over the years, it has been horribly abused and the disk is damaged... so... no watching the movie for me ;^; )
I'm so excited XD

I also got White Chocolate Pocky, which is actually... pretty interesting. The white chocolate kinda tastes like yogurt, though... I wonder if it is. I kinda can't read Japanese though XD

SO YEAH, keep your eyes peeled for the updates on both comics! I should be updating them either later tonight or tomorrow. I just have to finish the bottom panel of the BL manga, because I haven't done that yet.

And I think I've discovered how to get my tablet to work on my laptop... I'll have to experiment though.

So, Imma go do other things today, probably drawing. And waiting for my skype chat history to fully load so I can illustrate a comic that will never actually be a comic. Just be a doodle. But I feel like making it. =| (don't ask XD there's a specific scene that I want to draw, and I have to load the chat history with MK to see it.)

Oh, and by the way... Friends with Benefits was a hilarious movie... just a lot of sex scenes XD I can see why it was rated R. R for Risque. (-shot for making a pun-)



Tuesday, August 2, 2011

I keep on meaning to post pictures...

But I neglect to. Oh well. I'll do so in my next post... maybe. If I don't forget. Or maybe later tonight when I'm up in my room and I have easy access to my external hard drive.

ANYWAYS. I have a question for y'all:

What is the best site to post like, original stories? And not have to worry about memberships or the admins bitching at you that you haven't uploaded something in a while...

I'm seriously considering just making my own site. For like, personal reasons... and have it be something like dA, but exclusively for my friends (like the ones that followed me here and to facebook as well).

So if any of you would like to help make a site for posting artwork and stories and stuff, lemme know. Otherwise, I'm going to figure out how to use iWeb. Or whatever that program is called XD

... my cat was literally just staring at me like: O,O and I don't know why.

Anyway... I'm going to go do stuff. So I'll talk to ya folks later~