Friday, September 30, 2011


I manage to get hurt somehow at least once a month. Or every week. But usually I don't get hurt too-too badly. So I guess that's a plus, right?

Well, not today.

I was entering the room where the trombone section in my band was having a sectional, and some person walks out of the room, not realizing that I was like, right at the door, and literally slams the door open. Needless to say, he sent the door flying open.

Guess who managed to protect herself, all except for one, very important finger? And guys, get your minds out of the gutter.
The door hit the knuckle (well, more like the center) of my middle finger on my left hand. Some might say that "Well, at least it wasn't your right hand, right?" (I'm a righty), and while yes, I am glad that my right hand wasn't hurt, I need my left hand to support my trombone.
In other words....
        Right hand = slide hand
        Left hand = hand that holds trombone to face.
        Left Middle finger = a point of balance for the instrument.
This technically requires me to bend my finger while I hold it (if you need an example of how trombonists hold the instrument, type in "Song for Japan trombone" into youtube and click the first link)... so yeah. It hurt.
     Not to mention that I had to hold my trombone for an hour.... and then another hour after that for Trombone Troupe (I'm not going to bother explaining that).
     By the end of troupe, it wasn't hurting as much, but then I was cracking my knuckles... and I forgot that my finger had been hurting, so I just made it worse.

I can't flex my left hand, which bothers me. And its kinda hurting to type at the moment.

Anyways... I'm going to go watch Amadeus on Netflix. I'm feeling musical, despite my left hand, so yay for movies based on famous composers and stuff ||D

Thursday, September 29, 2011

Quick Post

Because I need to go shower and then head back to Whalen (the music building) to practice, since I haven't done so yet today (mostly because I accidentally left my trombone mouthpiece in my dorm room).

So I was thinking about purchasing Photoshop CS5 Extended. Because I miss photoshop. I miss doing digital art.

I have nothing against traditional art XD Just... using photoshop for comic editing and stuff like that is a lot easier than the programs I'm using at the moment. And its more tablet friendly.
However, if I like, want it for cheap ($200), I have to buy the student edition. I heard that if you buy the student edition, you can't upgrade it later in life... HOWEVER, I guess I don't really care. I use CS2 all the time back home, and never upgraded it. Mostly because I didn't want to...

See, I /just/ want photoshop. Since I'm not an art major (rather, a drawing major XD Music is an Art), I don't really need Flash or Illustrator or the other 500000000 programs that the Creative Suite comes with.
But like, I've used Illustrator in the past, and I think that if I were to like, do anything Graphic Design classes up here, I would need Flash/Illustrator and stuff like that... and if I end up doing that internship with Lego again over the summer... I might need them. I don't know.

The other option is to look into buying the full program of SketchBook (AutoDesk), but I'm not really liking it... and I never use it. Like, ever. I'm so used to Photoshop that Sketchbook is like... odd.

What are your opinions?

As I look outside, the clouds look really questionable, so I think I'm going to go shower now, in the case that we get hit by a thunderstorm. Again. Which I don't mind, but I don't want to be running outside in a storm again. Not that I'm afraid of lightning or thunder. I just don't like being outside when electricity is flying around.

Saturday, September 24, 2011


I should probably go to bed, but I thought that I would update.

I turned 20 this week :D No longer a teenager, baby~ (which is an odd feeling actually...)

.... anywho. Both comics have been updated.

OH. If you liked my story Ti Amo, I started a blog for it. I might start another blog for various other stories I've written (like, just a writer's blog). Maybe.

Anyways, here's the blog:
Dunno how often it will update. XD

Thanks to all of you who wished me a happy birthday on wednesday! I didn't do much... but school work. Birthdays during the week suck. (wait, that sounded weird.)


of to bed with me. ||D

Monday, September 19, 2011

The internet sucks when I'm sitting on my dorm room floor

More than it does when I'm sitting on my desk.

In case you're wondering why I'm on my floor... its because I was scanning stuff for a friend who couldn't attend my flute class on friday. I'm a nice person and I was scanning the notes for him...

I also scanned the colored version of that Wave bust I drew a while ago.

I don't know why I wanted to do this in marker, to be honest. It turned out alright for the most part, in my opinion. I just realized that after I did his hair that I didn't have enough colors to do it... oh well. Wave wears a lot of blue. And his jacket really isn't that bright... but oh well. I'm limited to my marker collection. I do still think he's hot though. I also don't really like using markers all that often... Oh well. And let it be known that doing gradients with markers that aren't copic brushes is EXTREMELY difficult... oh well. Enjoy anyways.

On a completely unrelated note to the picture above, I got a free pie from work the other day. Why? I don't know. Maybe my boss loves me, or maybe he liked the fact that I was being a smart ass with him...
       See, usually my boss lets us (the workers) take some of the food back to our rooms with us, since we work the dinner shift at the dining halls on saturdays, which means that we miss our dinner time (the dining halls close at 6:30 on fridays and weekends). So yeah, he let's us take food back with us, AFTER the dining hall closes and as we're getting rid of the food. Anyways, I was working the Pizza/Vegan station on saturday, and in the midst of working there, my boss asked my co-worker and I to do some of the desserts (like, cut them up and plate them... and put them on the dessert table right outside the Vegan/Pizza/Exhibition area). So we did so... and in the little mobile shelf thingy that was carrying the desserts were four pies.
          At the end of the shift, as we were like... putting pizza on our plates to take back to our rooms for dinner (haha, so is the life of a college student...), my boss walks through... The conversation that I had with him was as follows:

Me: Hey Spencer, what if I ask you if I could take some sliced cake back to my dorm with my dinner? (jokingly)
Boss: Oh, go right ahead. (starts to head towards the kitchen)
Me: ... what if I take a whole pie? (again, jokingly)
Boss: That's fine. Be my guest. (literally leaves XD)
Boss: Yeah, sure. I don't care. (leaves for the Entree section of the dining hall)
Co-worker: O_O ... Duuude, I'm totally taking a whole pie... SPENCER, CAN I TAKE ONE TOO?
Me: Whoa, BEST DAY EVER!!!

So, myself and two other co-workers took whole Berry Rhubarb pies back to our rooms. Needless to say, I have become everyone's best friend because of so.

... I should probably do my homework now... ||D

Sunday, September 18, 2011

Oh boy ||D

So, I've been sick for the last week now... I came down with a cold. It hurts when I cough, and when I do cough, my head hurts too... and my nose is better than it was.

Joys, right? Who wants a cold when you're a music major? Considering that you need to BREATHE AND PLAY A WIND INSTRUMENT.

Because of this, the newest page for AWDBtD will be delayed for another week. I have it sitting right next to me, but I was kinda put out of commission for a couple of days and I've had no motivation to do so... and I feel like I need a little more time to ink it. I don't like rushing things and posting them.
StWOM will continue its same schedule, considering the first three chapters are like... done. After that, I have no idea.

Anyways. I turn 20 in like... a couple of days.

I've heard interesting conversations about birthdays over the last few days. And its really interesting to hear people's insights about them.

And now I don't know why I'm so excited for mine anymore XD

ugh... I think I'm going to turn in soon.... I'm tired.

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Another Image Post!


I told y'all that I would have another update with pictures in it as soon as I finished my comic page... which took much longer than expected. I had a busy weekend... so I set my alarm for sunday morning to get up, scan stuff, and go.

So let's do this!

This is Yasu, the former Lightning Eternal, in the Magyk RP. She's super duper pretty and really friendly... she rarely every gets mad, and usually gives nicknames to people that end with "y" (so like, Wave, for example, was referred to as "Wavey"). She's got blond hair with electric blue tips (haha) and purple eyes. I... think that's it.... ... oh. She was Wave's first wife, btdubs. Rumor has it that she died giving birth to Wave and her's first child, but there are questions about that. She is ALSO Orna's closest (or was) friend, and treated her like a big sister.

Yuuki Mythos and Francoise; I still think Yuuki is one of the hot ones. He usually has his waist length dark dark dark blue (appears to be black) out of a ponytail, but I decided to put it up in this one. Francoise belongs to my friend MK; she was hesitant in marrying Yuuki, and Yuuki, who's like... a shit ton older than her (he's like... actually, I have no idea. Lance is like, 28, Wave is... 34? Yuuki is their "cousin", but not really; he can't age XD). I forget the reason why she didn't want to even go near him at first... I'll have to ask MK sometime.

Haha, so really, I would only know who these three are, unless you looked into my Humanities notebook from senior year of high school and saw the AU I did with Keits, Brek, Asch and Sturm. Caibre and Nereus are Keits' best friends, or followers rather (or part of his pack). Even though Keits is dating Asch (who's a light magyk, half-breed (dog/wolf)), and technically lycans aren't supposed to welcome those who are not purebloods into their pack, the two of them follow Keits' orders and will not attack Asch. Who would want to piss off their leader anyways? The girl standing between the two is a close friend with Caibre (possibly a mate?); I don't know much about her, because she hasn't been introduced into the RP yet. I do know, however, that she's a Fennic Fox demon (as opposed to a Lycan). If you were to put Keits, Caibre and Nereus into a room and describe them, Nereus is the more girly-innocent-youthful pup (who's not a pup anymore), Keits' is the leader-stubborn-flirtatious one, and Caibre is the muscular-wise-smart one.

I got bored one night and started to draw the possible "future" versions of the kids in the Magyk RP (well, the young kids at least). Athrun, Hikaru and Alice all belong to Orna; Athrun is a cross between Dunisun/Kree-Lance and Orna, because... ah, long story. Don't feel like explaining XD In other words, Hikaru is the only child that belongs to Lance. Kiri and Umi belong to Wave (except for Umi, who's not really his daughter, but she was brought into existence for... a reason I don't feel like explaining at the moment. Ask MK). Kurtis is Forseth's and Crissa's second child (their first is Eileen, who's like, 20 right now, and I was only drawing the young children). Then there is Iris, who's the only child of Surry and Nore. Each child is like, based off of how their parents act. I'll post a description of them after I finish the captions XD

This. Is an inside joke between Nikira and I. I forget how it started, but I imagine that Kid!Asch (which is that fan character I posted a post back; he's Tear's and Luke's son) would be EXACTLY like the original Asch, especially with the fact that he NEVER smiles. So, I was kinda playing on with the idea... and this was born. PLEASE FOLLOW THE ARROWS. And btw, Mr. Snuggliekins was a name that Nikira came up with XD

So yeah. I have nothing like... interesting to post today. I'll get to working on the colored version of Wave (in the previous post) at some point, probably after I practice and do homework.

Oh, so here is the chart I was talking about:
Athrun = a lot like Kree (er... Kas-Kree); outgoing, bossy, etc etc. But he would be smart, maybe a little too smart, and perhaps... a little trouble maker.

Hikaru = probably a young Lance or shy Orna... he would probably be less likely to go out and do things outside the house. So if Athrun is a soldier, for example, Hikaru would be the one to like, do research from indoors. He would be very analytical, but very anti-social OR shy.

Alice = ... I kinda imagine her to be a very pretty girl XD She wouldn't be as outgoing as Athrun, but more of the... Ariada kind of type of person, you know? She’s probably going to be emotional, just like Orna, and very dependent on the person she’s with.

Kiri = Not exactly the opposite of Athrun, but he would probably be the saner of the two of them. He would be very "let's cut to the chase" and demand answers and tactful.

Umi = Pretty, but shy. Well, not the extreme kind of shy, but... Not very talkative, book-smart... Sensitive. She’ll probably be over protective of Kiri.

Kurtis = a less, scary looking Forseth; athletic, and again, not very talkative. He keeps to himself a lot, and everyone views him as scary, even though he’s very friendly. (so like, Forseth aura, Haseo personality?). He prefers not to fight.

Iris = VERY freakin outgoing. Flirtatious, likes to be adventurous. She takes after Surry for the majority of her behavior, but is tactical like Nore, and knows her limits.

And that's it for today!

And now I'm going to be like every other a-typical American and say: Never Forget; 9/11.

... in total complete and utterly unrelated news, I turn 20 in 10 days! Holy fuck. 

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Image Dump!

I haven't updated in a while... I got caught up in school ||D

I totally did not have class today. For the past 4 days, it had been raining, so there was some major flooding. So, I received a text message (and phone call) around 6 AM, telling me that morning classes were cancelled, and class would resume with the 1 PM classes. So there went ALL my music classes for today... because the majority of my music classes are in the morning. I made a mental note that I still had to be up to warm up for my trombone lesson later... so I got up... around 11, got lunch, and warmed up (rather, tried to XD). Before I left my room to go eat lunch, I check my email to make sure that my studio professor didn't cancel lessons (he shouldn't; he lives right outside the campus), and BAM. Email from my Western Civilization Professor saying that all her classes are cancelled for today due to the flooding.
     So I had no class today. So I practiced for the majority of the day (lesson at 1, then practiced from 2-4:30ish, which makes a total of 3:30 hours of playing). As a music major, we're supposed to practice for as long as we can; the best students practice more than 5 hours a day (not all at once). I'll get to start practicing for up to four hours soon once I start warming up at 8 AM.

Anyways, so... I have pictures to post! YAY :D I don't recommend full-viewing them because I was too lazy to resize them.... ^^U

Tales of the Abyss; Chibi Asch and Luke, and in the back is the final Luke you see at the end of the game. One day, I'll color this... maybe. I kinda liked it just inked.

Tales of the Abyss: Uhm, well, these are fan characters named after two characters in the game. The kids here are children of the couples next to their names XD

Magyk OC: Wave Mythos :D I'll find some time to color him this weekend, because he's hot and deserves to be colored. Besides, he's a neat character to color. Did I mention that I think he's hot? He, Lance and Yuuki (their cousin) are all really good looking, IMO. And his nose. HIS NOSE. I think it came out waaaaay too amazing.

Magyk Boyz: I believe I mentioned this a few blog posts ago... I finally got around to inking it, and I don't think I'll color it. I kinda like it inked... as for the second part of this, I need more time to work on the sketch because I'm having a terrible time with heights again XD THEY'RE ALL SO FREAKISHLY TALL (the tallest in this one is Forseth, standing at 7'6". He's huge). Its hard to draw tall guys too because their body proportions start to get all outta whack, and then they look REALLY disproportionate. I also realize that Yuuki is not in this picture... which makes me sad. Lance and Wave are though. I also meant to put a cigarette in Surry's mouth, but that didn't happen... whoops.

I like this... despite that Forseth, yet again, looks like he has some serious problems going on due to the angle of his head, I like it. Crissa's hand, I realize, is also too small. That was my fault while I was inking the image... because I went to reduce the length of the arm, and I made the hand a little too small. Oh well. She has small hands. I mean, if you really want to, you can imagine that her hand is at an angle, making it appear smaller than it is. And her hair looked a lot better in just pencil.... I, yet again, want to kill my pens XD

And that's it for my doodle dump. I have like, other sketches and stuff sitting next to me, but I don't feel like scanning them at the moment. I will when I finish the manga page for It's Always Darkest Before the Dawn, which, as it stands, won't be completed until Saturday night.

I would like to put out some word for a good friend of mine (I know a lot of people don't check my blog often, but its worth a shot, right?) is doing commissions, and she really needs the money. She's a great artist, and an awesome friend... I think y'all should buy something from her. She's really REALLY talented!! DO IT. I COMMAND THEE.
Check her out --->

Anyways... I'm off to go draw for a little bit, and possibly sleep. I have an 8 AM class tomorrow ||D And then I'm going to a party... even though I don't drink and do stuff that I'm not supposed to, I'm going because a) I was invited and b) its technically a studio party.


Sunday, September 4, 2011

Oh my goooooood DX

Why is it so hot? Like, seriously.... its currently 73 degrees Fahrenheit, with 93% humidity. And its 1 AM.

It is fucking MISERABLE.

And I didn't bring any shorts to school... because its supposed to be like, cool. Not beach-like weather. And to top it off, our dorms don't supply air conditioning, so it makes it VERY difficult to sleep.


So, many pep talks later and after friends spent a couple of hours trying to cheer me up, I'm better. Kind of. I'm still being hard on myself, but I'm better.

... I had some purpose to updating this blog, but now I can't remember.


I'm just going to post this and let you all know that I'm alive and okay. I have work at 1:3o PM, so I should get some sleep...