Friday, August 12, 2011


My friend from dA, Nikira, recently got Tales of The Abyss and was talking about it the other day... and I own the game as well, so its a little hard to not spoil things for her XD

But so, I was playing it today because apparently, you can get different costumes in the game, which made me really happy XD I had only thought that they were in the japanese versions. Hmn.

So like, I'm playing along, and all of the sudden, my game starts glitching... like the sound files all of the sudden die. And now my game froze.
I somehow, vaguely, remember this happening in my first file. Maybe I'll try restarting (I'm waiting to see if it clears up or not.)

Anyways, on a different note, while I'm deciding whether or not to refresh my PS2, I saw The Help today.

It was released... this past Wednesday, in theaters, and it is based on a book. For those who have /no idea/ what its about, to sum it up, its about... well, the civil rights movements, and the story of black maids in the south (more specifically, Mississippi). The Help was a book written by a wanna-be journalist, who sees the hardships of these maids and wants to reveal to the nation what is going on. Of course, there was reluctance to write and share stories.
So, I went to go see the movie with my mom, who read the actual book prior to seeing the movie. I have yet to read the book, because I'm caught up in a different book at the moment.
The two things I got from the film:
1) If you haven't read the book, its a moving movie with multiple main characters, and focuses on the story before the book was written and then the aftermath... and the aftermath of that aftermath. Not having read the book, I thought that it was explained well and the issues were clearly shown.
2) If you read the book, a lot of the movie watered down a lot of the issues presented, left out some details, etc etc. When hasn't that happened before? While its still a moving movie to watch, it was lacking (so my mom says).

Because I don't do number ratings, I will say that this movie was enjoyable and inspirational to watch. There were characters that I really loved, and really, absolutely wanted to bitch slap.

Anywho, I'm going to go back to my game. Since it hasn't stopped being frozen, I'm just going to refresh my system... I'm really beginning to remember this happening last time I played this game, and a quick refresh fixed it.
Oh well.

So I think my game is just plain damaged... I might make an effort to buy a new one, and put aside cosplay costumes I was going to save up for... oh well.

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