Thursday, February 16, 2012


So apparently Connecticut is planning to put the American flag at half-mast for Whitney Houston's death.

My first reaction: what.

Why are we lowering our flag for a pop star? It doesn't make sense to me.

My second reaction: WHAT.

So, in a time of conflict, tons of people are risking their lives for this country, and we are "honoring" a pop star.

My third reaction: aSFDHKLDSHFAK.

So, in addition to this not making sense, and the fact that we are honoring the life of a fucking POP star, our government is spending time debating whether they are going to lower a fucking flag or not INSTEAD of trying to come up with ways to fix our government?


That's what they are.

My conclusion is that if we are going to honor the death of a pop star, who may have been a perfectly fine influence to MANY other musicians and pop stars out there, we might as well honor the deaths of everyone in the world. Its a bit of a slap to the face when your government decides that it is perfectly okay to lower a national symbol to a pop star who had no influence to the world around her, other than the musical world.
I mean, I'm a little biased. I might be coming off as stupid or something... but unless someone can convince me that she deserves to have a flag lowered for her, then maybe I'll change my opinion.

On a completely different note, my tummy has been upset since Saturday (2/11). It won't stop getting upset; its a little disconcerting. I know I don't have a stomach bug because this has happened before, but it lasted for two weeks.

I'm going to tread lightly and continue drinking a lot of fluids.

I also bought a new sweater today because it was cold and rainy... and I was cold.


Oh, so a new idea that came into mind today as I was eating dinner.

Maybe the guy I like/made out with is sick. And maybe that's why it was a maybe.

I don't know.


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