Sunday, January 29, 2012

I just need to vent again.

Its not a bad vent (I think), its more me liking a guy and me knowing that he won't ever share the same feelings in return. It kinda sucks, but... whateves. Can't dwell on things you can't have, right?

Anyways, so... I went out to a party last night, mostly to celebrate a job well done for someone's recital. Said guy, who I had a crush on (he's the guy that sent me the whole strand of text messages asking me to get him lunch XD If you have no idea what I'm talking about, read a couple of posts back. You'll see it), offered me a drink (a bitch drink), and I took it. The following conversation went as follows (for privacy reasons, I will call him J):

Me: (enters party with some friends; finds J and congratulates him and says hi) Hey J :D
J: OH MY GOD. You're here :D (I don't go to parties often XD He gets excited when I go to them. It proves that I'm not a hermit) Hey, you want a drink?
Me: Eeeeehh....
J: Oh, come on. It's a bitch drink.
Me: A what? o_o
J: (laughs and rolls his eyes) Follow me. (he brings me to his room and opens a small fridge and pulls out this bottle of Seagram's Breeze or whatnot? I forget what it was called XD all I know is that it was Seagram's, and it was pink) Its mostly juice and like, 0% alcohol. And its a twisty top.
Me: Eeeeh... (nervous XD)
J: (he pulls the top off and hands it to me) Enjoy. :) (and walks off)

So yeah, I ended up drinking the entire thing and not feeling a thing at all. It wasn't half bad, but hey. But when I finished it, I showed J the bottle, and he was like "YAY" :D I'm known as the non-drinker in my studio (and a lot of people know that). When I told people that I finished a beverage, they were like "HOLY SHIT. WHERE WAS I WHEN THIS HAPPENED." I just found it funny. I still do.

ANYWAYS, this was not what I wanted to rant about.

So like, the guy I like, is like... super. Super. Attractive. And it sucks, because attractive people... have attractive friends. Attractive people only like their attractive friends. And their attractive friends have more attractive friends that your attractive crush will like. And get their numbers from.

Needless to say, I'm out of my league in trying to talk to this guy. Now, before you think that I'm that creepy stalker person that watches their crush from a corner, I have talked to him. I'd like to say we're acquaintances, but I'd rather be friends. Oh well.

So back to this party. Right at the beginning, I bumped into the guy I like (let's call him B), and he was in a closet looking for cups. I offered to hold his beer, since he was holding it in his mouth, but he insisted that he was fine. I forget what I was saying to him, but at some point he touched my back. But w/e. Night goes on. Talked to friends, spoke to the guy I liked in the beginning of the year both this year and last year (but he's taken, but I'll call him M).

I ended up getting too clusterphobic and I had to remove myself from the crowd; I went to the second floor (which has a banister that looks over the living/tv room, where the party was being held), and so I just stood up there and did some people-watching. Kind of. I spent the majority of my time zoning out. At some point, B looked up at me (he was wearing a sombrero... I have no idea why. But it was entertaining to watch people try to knock it off of his head); he smiled and waved at me, and then went back to talking to friends. OF course, I smiled and waved back at him (though to be perfectly honest, I think my expression was a cross between "Why are you looking at me?" and "Pfffft"). This happened a couple of times, and after one of the times, he left the area that I could see, towards the direction that the stairs were in. Part of me was hoping that he was going to come upstairs and talk to me, but the other half of me was like "Keep dreaming."

And then M saw me, and had this look of "Why are you up there?" and I just waved at him. He gave me the "One second" gesture and started to leave the area, leaving in the same direction that B did. At least I knew that one guy was going to come up and talk to me.
At SOME point, J came upstairs, I think to make sure that there wasn't anybody getting sick or having sex in one of the bedrooms. And then he came over and talked to me for a bit to make sure that I was alright (because I was standing upstairs alone and zoning out XD That, and he wasn't sure how good my tolerance was), and I insisted that I was fine.

In the back of my mind, I wanted him to ask me if I could have another drink, and I wanted to say that I would take a drink, if he would kiss me. Oh, the desperate side of me wanted attention sooooo bad, and it liked the fact that J was paying some attention to it. WHY MUST J BE ATTRACTIVE AS WELL. ... why must I like the guys that are either taken or way out of my league? Goddammit.

Anyways. Now that I have actually said that aloud. Back to the story.

So J leaves with some biddies, and M eventually comes upstairs. First thing he does? He comes walking over to me and stands freakishly close and decided to check up on me to see how I was doing. I told him I was people-watching, and keeping an eye on my friends. (Though I'm pretty sure that B thought I was staring at him from up on the banister, which isn't true). We started talking a little bit more when some girls came walking up and entered a room, and B was following as well.

Part of me wanted to scream right then and there, because like... I like B, and I would like M but he has a girlfriend. And J is out of my league as well. Goddammit.
And like... I don't know if B was coming upstairs to talk to me or not. If he was, then seeing M standing close to me would have set the wrong picture. If he wasn't then he was going into the room that all those girls were going into (well, there were a couple of guys. People had been going in and out of that room; I think it was just a place to sit and chill). B ended up giving me a smile and following the girls into the room, and M followed them.

I still wanted to scream, because I KNEW that was going to happen. I knew that he moment that M came up to talk to me, Karma would be a bitch and bring B up as well.

But I don't need to worry; neither of them like me that way anyways \o/ . Time to move on.

So yeah, how do I know this? Well, not once did he actually go out of his way to talk to me, where I kind of tried to. He's admitted to not liking anyone about a month ago (at the last party I went to), and he was off talking to other girls. That were attractive. And really pretty.

My problem is that I'm not a biddy. I don't go to parties and drink a shit ton, or dress like a slut or wear 5 inch heels. I don't just waltz up to an attractive guy and make out with them on the spot; I don't like grinding because I find it uncomfortable and an invasion of property. Taking one drink and going to parties is already stepping out of my comfort zone a lot; despite what people think, I'm a quite person that enjoys my alone time. And this is why people think I'm a hermit. I will not do anything else to try and impress someone that won't like me back, because I'm not fucking like that.
So why can't I just give up and admit defeat? Because I'm too goddamn proud to say so. Never in my entire life have I EVER wanted to pour my heart out to someone like that. Again.
The last time I did that? The last time I stepped out of my comfort zone, left a party with a guy I liked? He brought me to his house, and wanted to fuck me. And he wasn't even drinking. And then, everytime we were together? I'd tell him the same thing over and over again: I wouldn't have sex with him because I haven't had those HPV shot things, I'm not on birth control, and because we weren't actually officially dating. He, while being in the mood, told me that if I had sex with him, he would say that we were dating... and I found that an incredibly sleezy thing to do. I should have told him to drive me back to my dorm room that night and never invited him to meet my roommate.

And what do you know? Denying someone too many times gets yourself dumped in the middle of a parking lot. And left there.

... I need to stop assuming that it'll happen again. I just don't want to be fucking hurt again and denied. Rather, rejected.

I'm not screaming to the world claiming that I want my prince charming, because whenever he rears his face, I'll run towards it and never let go.

Part of me wishes I were a little more outgoing and not so reserved.

I still like this guy too. And its killing me. I just want this crush to be done and over with... I want it to pass, and I'm scared that it won't pass. It doesn't help that I see him every single day. It doesn't help that he smiles and says hello to me everyday. It doesn't help that I take every little action out of context, and then I have to remind myself that its just a friendly action.

It also doesn't help that some people think I'm a lesbian because I don't "act" like how girls are supposed to act. Nor do I wear the most girly of clothing or dress like a fucking slut in the middle of winter when its freezing cold outside.


Its not the end of the world.

I'm going to go do some homework.

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Who needs to update this thing anyways?

I don't XD

I just had Dr. Pepper spill all over a new sketch book, a new book I bought the other day and started reading, two pictures MK drew for me, and my laptop.

So, not only do I feel like shit for having a dark colored soda spill over pictures a friend drew me, but now I can't finish what I was sketching originally because the cover to my sketchbook is wet and I don't want to risk having the papers get wet.
As for my book? I currently have paper towel sheets sitting between pages to prevent the pages from sticking as it dries... though, now there will probably be a problem with getting the paper towel out. Didn't think about that...

My laptop is fine, on the other hand. Thank god it was closed and it had a case... otherwise I would be in deep shit.

Currently, anything with paper is sitting under the radiator in my basement. Except for the two pictures, which are nestled under some more paper towel. With VHS tapes sitting on top of it.

My new sketchbook is like... it was $16 at Michael's, and it looks like an old leather book (ish). I'm gonna use it for when I want to do short comics (Magyk); AU shorts, Notes (which are things written when MK and I aren't RPing. It usually just happens between our specific characters rather than each others), and Flashbacks. They're just block comics, rather than actual paneled comics. Some might not have text...

So now I'm just... writing stuff into a blog that no one reads \o/ And waiting for the heat to turn on to dry off my books. I want to finish reading that book, dammit. I'm about 70 pages in after one day, don't stop me BC (the problem is, if I continue reading it now, I'll rip the pages). The entire SIDE of the book got drenched in Dr. Pepper, and only the first... 10 pages or so got soaked through.

Stupid heat won't turn on.


anyways. What can I talk about?

Oh, my dad bought a 65" Plasma screen TV the other day to replace the old 50" one we had. Originally, we were just going to replace the old one that decided to break randomly, something a little cheaper, no 3D... y'know, things like that? I mean, my dad already has Google TV, a Blu-ray player, a Bose sound system with DVD/FM/AM/CD/AUX player.... but noooo, he bought a 65" tv.

I kinda have to ask where all this money comes from...

I guess I'll spend some time writing stories now, or work on that 100 Themes writing prompt thing I started like, last year... (which reminds me, I still have 100 Themes for art to do, don't I? XD I'm stuck on Atonement. I might change that word... OH WAIT. I think I thought of something. I'll have to scribble it down later)

Oscar goes in for a check up tomorrow... I'm actually hoping that tonight he poops in my sink so that we can bring it in to the vet to have checked (because he has on and off diarrhea, and its concerning me). The only other thing is that he's probably going to have to be manhandled in order to check on, because he can get quite vicious if he's touched the wrong way.
Which still doesn't explain why he bit my ass the other night... or attacked me while I was brushing my teeth.
I swear to god he's trying to kill me, and Nala can't fend him off for me ;^;

... well, now I'm bored. I think I'm going to go write some stories in the meantime.